02 May 2012

Au Revoir Brother!

We've had some good times together,
some great moments together,
and some really bad moments.
But one thing's for sure;
good or bad, they had all been memorable.
You had been a good friend,
an amazing critic, the worst of enemies,
a soothing tune, an instigating poem.
You were there when I needed
You were there when you weren't needed too
You had been a good friend indeed.

You've taught me things.
Things nobody would or could have taught.
Some are painted, some are etched and some - scarred.
But they are invaluable - invaluable of course.
You helped me grow up.
Thank You for all of the things you have done.

But it's about time that we split up good friend.
We two are great together.
We are like oil and fire on water.
We don't blend, we burn, we glow, we light up;
but in the end, we vanish.

I don't wish to disappear all that soon.
I've got things to do.
Little they are important,
but I've got things to do.

And you my friend,
I don't want to be sick of you.
That has always been the difference,
you're no girlfriend; you never suffocate.
I would like to say hi time and again.
But no goodbyes.

So here we part O Brother Booze.
Farewell to you.
You be good.
You know I would be when I'm alone!
Until we meet, peace be with you..
Au Revoir.

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